Runtime Information

Uptime 2024-09-05 20:18:22.548036636 +0000 UTC
Working Directory /prometheus
Configuration reload Successful
Last successful configuration reload 2024-09-05 20:18:33 +0000 UTC
WAL corruptions 0
Goroutines 42
Storage Retention 15d

Build Information

Version 2.21.0
Revision e83ef207b6c2398919b69cd87d2693cfc2fb4127
Branch HEAD
BuildUser root@a4d9bea8479e
BuildDate 20200911-11:35:02
GoVersion go1.15.2



Head Stats

Number Of Series Number of Chunks Current Min Time Current Max Time
2631 5118 2024-09-17 20:00:00 +0000 UTC (1726603200000) 2024-09-17 21:16:46 +0000 UTC (1726607806178)
Total Query Time: 0.013 Seconds

Highest Cardinality Labels

Name Count
__name__ 488
le 66
collector 45
device 39
address 29
name 18
handler 17
quantile 9
cpu 8
version 8

Highest Cardinality Metric Names

Name Count
prometheus_http_request_duration_seconds_bucket 170
prometheus_http_response_size_bytes_bucket 153
node_cpu_seconds_total 64
node_cpu_scaling_governor 48
node_scrape_collector_success 45
node_scrape_collector_duration_seconds 45
node_network_carrier_down_changes_total 29
node_network_receive_frame_total 29
node_network_receive_drop_total 29
node_network_transmit_colls_total 29

Label Names With Highest Cumulative Label Value Length

Name Length
__name__ 15441
address 493
device 422
le 307
collector 291
path 206
handler 205
version 108
uuid 104
revision 92

Most Common Label Pairs

Name Count
instance= 1811
job=node_exporter 1811
job=prometheus 788
instance= 788
__name__=prometheus_http_request_duration_seconds_bucket 170
__name__=prometheus_http_response_size_bytes_bucket 153
__name__=node_cpu_seconds_total 64
__name__=node_cpu_scaling_governor 48
__name__=node_scrape_collector_success 45
__name__=node_scrape_collector_duration_seconds 45